
Shri Sunil Kumar
Chief Vigilance Officer & Joint Secretary

Shri Sunil Kumar is a member of Indian Forest Service of 1995 batch, allocated to Punjab cadre. He did his B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Kanpur and Master of Public Affairs from Humphrey School, University of Minnesota, USA.
Complaints can be addressed to CVO at:
Telephone : 011-26962216  (O)
011-20818998  (R)
Email :

About Vigilance Unit :

The Vigilance Unit of the Department of Science & Technology is headed by a Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO), who is a Joint Secretary of the Department. He is supported by a Deputy Secretary, Section Officer and other secretarial staff.

Apart from handling vigilance related cases of the Department, its subordinate offices and autonomous bodies, the Vigilance Unit also deals with complaints received from the CVC, CBI and other sources. It plays an active role in ensuring the prompt disposal of these complaints. The vigilance unit also handles disciplinary proceedings having a vigilance angle. The Vigilance side maintains a regular touch both with the CVC and the CBI.

The Central Vigilance Commission’s website ( can also be accessed for information on making complaints including under the Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers (PIDPI).

Vigilance Awareness Week - 2021