Institute of Nano Science and Technology, Mohali
(An Autonomous Institute supported by DST, GoI)
Habitat Centre, Sector-64, Phase-10, Mohali-160062, Punjab


About INST, Mohali                                      

Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INST), Mohali (Punjab) an autonomous institution of Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, was set up under the umbrella of NANO MISSION, initiated by DST to boost research and development in the field of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in India. It was established in January, 2013 and started its activities after the appointment of its first Director, from its transit campus at Habitat Center, Sector -64, Phase-X, Mohali, Punjab. The new campus will be set up in the Knowledge City at Sector-81 (Mohali, Punjab), next to IISER Mohali campus, which is very near to new Chandigarh International Airport. The Institute is also part of Chandigarh Region Innovation and Knowledge Cluster (CRIKC), an initiative of Punjab Government to foster and sustain close academic alliances between institutions of higher education and research in the Chandigarh region.

INST’s mission is to create a world class research institution by carrying out cutting-edge research through outstanding scientists from different branches of science and engineering, encouraging them to carry out their individual scientific research to be published in the best journals along with their mandate to jointly work on interdisciplinary projects to develop devices/technologies based on nano science and technology. To encourage all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology with major thrust on the following areas: agricultural nanotechnology, sensors, medical nanotechnology, nanotechnology based solutions for energy and environment. The ultimate goal is to make a difference to society through nanoscience and technology with a vision to emerge as globally competitive India’s foremost research institution.

INST is also promoting science and inculcating the practice to develop technology in India amongst the young generation of the nation through its Outreach program especially for rural, remote and under-served schools by delivering talks in order to scrape out the hidden gems which when polished may light up the natural and international scientific sky.

Most of the projects at INST have relevance to National Programmes like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Swasth Bharat, supporting the Strategic Sector, Make in India and Clean & Renewable Energy.

The first  two  years of INST’s  setting up have been of special significance from the view-point of making institutional interactions with other scientific institutions for exchange of research facilities  by use of one another’s laboratory space, signing of MoU’s and collaborative agreements, organising scientific lectures, seminars, workshops, conferences, starting Ph.D/Post-Doc programmes, internships etc. Six industries are currently finalizing MoU with INST. Nearly 50 research papers in highly reputed journals like Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Angewandte Chemie have been published. In the past two years, two patents are in the process of filing. Apart from this, INST, in its infancy stage, has been able to garner sponsored projects of significant amounts and the research work is on. 

Annual Report
