Over the years, SEED has achieved significant breakthroughs in developing and demonstrating replicable technology packages and field models in several sectors with involvement of its partners S&T based field groups and S&T institutions. Brief achievements during last 7 years (2014-2021) are as under-

  • 26 S&T driven Core Support Groups (CSGs) were supported to address specific challenges in identified regions across the country where 51 Technology Packages were developed and transferred to nearly 10,000 individuals along with creation of 630 Micro Enterprises and 5,573 green jobs. The interventions benefitted 12,134 members of women SHGs and 12,282 farmers were benefitted.
  • 30 prototypes of assistive devices developed for Disabled and Elderly were successfully field-tested including commercialization of 5 products. 10 software tools are freely downloadable.
  • 210 young researchers were supported and the projects generated 224 products/technology packages. 36,750 beneficiaries were trained through 376 workshops/trainings/demonstrations.
  • More than 125 projects were supported for empowering women at grassroots level through S&T inputs and nearly 3000 women were trained in various livelihoods activities for socio-economic development.
  • 40 Women Technology Parks were established in different geographical locations and more than 1000 women were trained in advanced technologies like 3D printing of chocolates, ICT tools CAD, nutria-gardens, agro-food processing, poultry, hatchery, Waste management, paper recycling, and several other technologies.
  • Nearly 200 S&T projects under the TSP and SCSP Schemes in different states in diverse livelihood sectors benefitting nearly 50000 SC and ST population through development of 30 novel and innovative technologies. 
  • The coordinated programme on Resource Management and Development implemented in 93 SC villages in 16 states through 48 NGOs has benefitted more than 15,000 people where there has been an increase in monthly income ranging from Rs.4000/- to Rs.5000/-. More than 1000 youths were placed in non-farm jobs and 84 diary units were established. 350 toilets & 400 soakage pits in 30 villages, 3 RO plants and 145 Astra Model Cook stoves were constructed under the project.
  • The coordinated programme on people and protected areas has doubled the livelihood options for 30000 tribal in the forest fringe areas and wild life sanctuaries in 13 states and 1 UT. 4764 men and 3312 women were trained in various skill development activities with a rise in income up to Rs. 12,000/- per annum
  • 20 Science technology and Innovation (STI) Hubs were established for development of SC and ST Communities by strengthening their livelihood systems and creation of social enterprises.
  • 8 Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Cells were established in different State S&T Councils for identifying the gaps and mapping the specific needs of SC/ST communities.
  • Technologies Transferred: DotBook, GSM-GPS Based Locator and Communicative Device, Comfor-Table, Tro Guard, Interline Braille Slate, Low-cost carding machine for Namda Weavers, Improvised Deg-Bhapka Unit for Production of Attars, Manual and mechanised bamboo stripping machine etc.
  • Freely downloadable software for Disabled and Elderly: Manipal E Amsler©, Mobile Phone Assisted Remote Speech Therapy, Visualization Framework for Hearing Impaired Children for Learning, Speech Rhythm (F0) Model, Text to Indian Sign Language Conversion, Interactive Teaching Aid for Autistic Children, Indian Autism Grading Tool (IAGT) etc.