Does DST recognize exceptional efforts made under S&T in general?

Recognition is given through the national award in the fields of S&T entrepreneurship science popularization, technology development, S&T for women

What are specific S&T programmes under National Common Minimum Programme?

Under this programme DST is strengthening S&T Infrastructure, specialized research facility in high priority areas and S&T mission schemes.

What is the role of DST in Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) ?

DST is providing assistance to S&T community for patenting their research work, nationally as well as internationally through Patent Facility Cell.

Is any support available for commercialization of indigenous technology?

Technology Development Board is supporting for the commercialization of indigenous technology by providing grants as well as soft loans .

Are there any programs for young students at school level?

Kishore Vigyan Prothoshan Yojana is available for 10th and +2 students to take up the Research Development as a Carrier.

In which fields R&D support is available?

For Physical Science, Mathematical Science, Chemical Science, Life Science and Engineering Science

Is their any programme available for young scientists?

Yes, Young Scientists can take up R&D Programme, through institutions
Eg: Young Scientist Scheme under SERC Programmes

Is their any web portal for information dissemination?

Several portal are available, Mention of these portals are made at appropriate places in this website. Some of the useful portals are TIMEIS, NSTEDB, Vigyan Prasar, Science and Society etc

How does DST supports state level S&T ?

DST has established state S&T councils in almost all states in the country for planning, coordinating and monitoring S&T activities at state level

Is their any scheme for infrastructural development of R&D institutions?

Yes, there is a fund available for improvement of S&T infrastructure for R&D institutions under its FIST programme.