Fellowship of Ministry of Science & Technology(DST/DBT/CSIR(DSIR)/SERB)

1. Extra Mural Research Funding (Individual Centric)

Individual centric competitive mode of funding will be provided under the EMR funding schemes. SERB supports potential scientists for undertaking research in frontier areas of S&T in Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences & Mathematical Sciences.

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2.Scheme for funding High Risk -High Reward Research

The Scheme for funding High Risk - High Reward Research aims at supporting proposals that are conceptually new and risky, and if successful, expected to have a paradigm shifting influence on the S&T. This may be in terms of formulating new hypothesis, or scientific breakthroughs which aid in emergence of new technologies.

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3.Empowerment and Equity Opportunities for Excellence in Science

The scheme, Empowerment and Equity Opportunities for Excellence in Science (EMEQ) is aimed at providing research support to scientists belonging to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe in undertaking research in newly emerging and frontier areas of science and engineering and thus to involve them in the National Science and Technology development process.

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4.Start-Up Research Grant (Young Scientists)

Start-up grant for Young Scientists is restructured w.e.f. 1st September, 2015 into two new schemes:    Early Career Research Award (ECRA), National Post-Doctoral Fellowship (NPDF)

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5. J C Bose National Fellowship

Nominations are invited for the J C Bose National Fellowships. The fellowship is meant to recognize active scientists and engineers for their outstanding performance and contributions. The fellowships are scientist-specific and very selective.

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6. Ramanujan Fellowship

The fellowship is meant for brilliant scientists and engineers from all over the world to take up scientific research positions in India, i.e. for those scientists who want to return to India from abroad. The fellowships are scientist-specific and very selective. The Ramanujan Fellows could work in any of the scientific institutions and universities in the country and they would be eligible for receiving regular research grants through the extramural funding schemes of various S&T agencies of the Government of India.

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7.National Post Doctoral Fellowship

The SERB-National Post Doctoral Fellowship ( N-PDF) is aimed to identify motivated young researchers and provide them support for doing research in frontier areas of science and engineering. The fellows will work under a mentor, and it is hoped that this training will provide them a platform to develop as an independent researcher

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8.Early Career Research Award

Early Career Research Award scheme aims to provide quick research support to the young researchers who are in their early career for pursuing exciting and innovative research in frontier areas of science and engineering.

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9.SERB Overseas Postdoctoral Fellowship

SERB Overseas Postdoctoral fellowship (SERB-OPDF) aims to build national capacity in frontier areas of Science and Engineering, which are of interest to India by providing postdoctoral fellowship for a period of one year extendable to one more year subject to good performance. The applicant should have completed PhD degree in science and engineering not earlier than the preceding two years from recognized institutions in India. For researchers who are in regular employment, the 2 years� period may be relaxed. The Program admits candidates in *identified areas and sends them to top institutions around the globe, other than USA and also to institutions where internationally acclaimed scientists are working. The applicant should himself/herself correspond with the proposed host institution abroad for their postdoctoral work. He/she is required to produce evidence, in the form of a letter of acceptance from the host institution along with merits/uniqueness of the host institute in the proposed area.

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10.CSIR Young Scientists Awards

11. Scheme for Young Scientists & Technologist (SYST)

12. IYBA Innovative Young Biotechnologist Award

13. Sponsored Research (RESPOND)

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has evolved a programme through which financial support is provided for conducting research and development activities related to Space Science, Space Technology and Space Application to academia in India. This programme of Research Sponsored by ISRO is called RESPOND. In special cases research and development projects proposed by non-academic R & D laboratories can also be supported through this programme. The aim of RESPOND is to encourage quality research in areas of relevance to the Indian space programme.

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14. Research Programmes and Projects -  Ministry of Earth Sciences

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Research Awards to promising "Young Scientist" by various Organisation Public and Private

The Scheme provides Opportunities to Young Scientists for pursuing exciting and innovative research in frontier areas. The scheme is focused on young scientists & technologist who have adequate background and training in fields of science and technology and show inclination to undertake socially relevant action research projects. This is also to encourage academic institutions, national labs and other S&T institutions.

Government / Public Organizations