ARCI is a state-of-the-art facility for research & development in advanced materials and associated processing technologies. Having its origin in the Integrated Long Term Programme on Cooperation in Science & Technology (ILTP) signed by the erstwhile USSR and India in the late 1980s, ARCI became operational in April 1995. Today, ARCI functions as a grants-in-aid institution of the Government of India's Department of Science & Technology.

Translating Research to Technology has been ARCI's motto and the Centre has set for itself the task of striving to bridge the gap between conventional research institutes & laboratories and the high-technology industries. Consistent with this overall goal, ARCI has dedicated its efforts toward achieving the following objectives:

  • Development of high performance materials and processes for niche market.
  • Demonstration of technologies at prototype scale.
  • Transfer of technologies to the Indian industry.

In order to achieve the above, ARCI has been taking up technologies while they are in their embryonic stages from laboratories/institutions of CIS countries or Indian laboratories, and jointly developing them to the levels of pilot plants/demonstration centers. The pilot plants/ demonstration centers are then primarily utilized to sensitize the Indian industry to the advantages and cost-effectiveness of the technology under Indian conditions and thereby aid in the smooth transfer of such technologies to the industries. Such conscious efforts to direct research to fuel growth and evolution has resulted in development of technologies, which are ready for adoption by the Indian industries. The Center's efforts to effect technology transfers have been fortified by the attractive schemes set up by the Indian Government under which the Indian industry can obtain very soft loans for implementing technologies developed by the Indian laboratories and R&D institutions. This has enormously increased the 'salability' of technologies developed by institutions like ARCI.

Surface Engineering, Ceramics , Powder Metallurgy and Laser Processing of materials constitute the four major thrust areas at ARCI. The Powder Metallurgy programmes are largely aimed at developing value-added products and exotic materials for the Indian industry. There is also significant focus on transformation of the otherwise mine burden to useful P/M products, energy conservation and development of permeable materials for varied applications. The activities in the field of Ceramics have been initiated to create new and advanced materials for high-tech applications. The programmes are primarily oriented towards developing alternative materials for better performance, substituting the import market for high temperature materials and recycling of scrap to produce engineering ceramic powders. In Surface Engineering, ARCI has been judiciously building up facilities to complement and enhance existing national capabilities in the field. The Centre has been continuously striving to provide most cost-effective solutions to combat surface degradation problems in the industry. This is being achieved through indigenization of coating equipment as well as by offering some of the institute's unique coating facilities for jobbing activities to permit the industry access to technologies not available elsewhere in the country.

ARCI Advanced Technology Incubator (AAMTI) is being established adjacent to ARCI R&D Campus. Three companies , all technology received from ARCI, have already set up their production facilities in the incubator.

Objectives of establishing AAMTI are:

  • To minimise the risks involved in commercialisation of ARCI technologies .
  • To promote and support small scale entrepreneurs in their effort to innovate and commercially exploit ARCI technologies.
  • To deliver the benefits of ARCI networking to members.

Annual Report


For more information contact:

The Director
International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI)
Balapur PO, HYDERABAD 500 005, Andhra Pradesh, India
Phone: 91-40-24441075/76, 24457104/5/6
Fax: 91-40-24442699/24443168
Email : info at arci dot res dot in
Website: Visit ARCI