Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) are recognized to play a significant role in our life and also on development of the Human society. Worldwide, STI policies with well-integrated implementation strategies are playing key role in national developments. 
Department of Science and Technology, GoI is mandated to formulate and deliver public policy support for the promotion of STI in the country. To build and strengthen an institutional mechanism for a robust evidence-driven STI policy system in India, Department of Science and Technology has been implementing a Policy Research Programme. Currently the programme is implementing two different modes of support in the area of STI Policy Research.

DST-Centres for Policy Research (CPRs)

Department of Science & Technology (DST), through dialogues and actions while pursuing STI Policy-2013, had established DST-Centres for Policy Research (CPRs) to develop and deliver policy support. The key objectives of these Centres for Policy Research include:
Strengthening the Policy Research Mechanism for facilitating evidence-based planning approaches. And also
To generate critical mass of the policy researchers through the support of STI- Fellowships.
These centres are engaged in targeted research in number of key areas relevant to the country, train scholars in STI policy domain, and contribute towards better STI policy making. The CPRs are currently focusing their research in areas of scientometrics, Industry-Academia Connect, innovation ecosystem, etc. The progress made by these CPRs are being reviewed annually to consider their continuation in subsequent years.  

DST-STI Policy Fellowship Programme (PFP)

With the aim to create a critical mass of policy professional (research scholars as well as practitioners), in 2016, DST has launched DST-STI-Policy Fellowship Programme, a flagship policy fellowship program. DST-STI-PFP provides scientists, engineers and policy enthusiasts, an opportunity to gain exposure from the close quarters of policy making and contribute their knowledge and analytical skills in the STI policy realm. These initiatives started delivering results in various forms of impactful engagements. During the last few years, the initiative have seen expansion in terms of a) number of fellows involved, b) research footprint/ topics covered, c) national and international engagement, and d) events and capacity building initiatives. This resulted in providing knowledge support to DST and other policy making bodies in India and abroad also. Under this programme, the fellowship is offered in three different categories: Senior Policy Fellows (SPF), Postdoctoral Fellows (PDF) and Young Policy Professionals (YPP). 

For more information, may contact:


Name Designation Address Email
Dr Akhilesh Gupta, FNAE, FIMS Senior Adviser/Scientist-H 
Head, Policy Coordination & Programme Management (PCPM) Division
Room No 16B
Administrative Block
Department of Science & Technology
Technology Bhavan
New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi-110 016, INDIA
Phone: +91-11-26590459
Telefax: +91-11-26862512,
Dr. Rabindra K Panigrahy, Scientist D, 
Policy Coordination & Programme Management (PCPM) Division 
Department of Science and Technology, 
Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi - 110016
Phone: +91 11 26590441,
Dr. Bhupendra K Sharma Scientist-C,
Policy Research Programme (PRP)
Policy Coordination & Programme Management (PCPM) Division
Department of Science & Technology, 
Technology Bhavan
New Mehrauli Road, 
New Delhi-110 016, INDIA
Phone No. (O): +91-11-26590-301