A battery car developed and commercially produced by CSIR-Central Electro Chemical Research Institute (CECRI) and CSIR-CMERI, in collaboration with auto major Mahindra steals the show at the ‘Energy’ theme at the 36th India International Trade Fair (IITF), 2016, New Delhi today. It was a Lithium-ion battery powered 4-door electric car that became the cynosure of all eyes.

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) unveiled its theme-based presentation on ‘Energy’ on sixth day of the CSIR Platinum Jubilee Technofest at the IITF, 2016, Scientists, experts, researchers of prominent CSIR labs and the industrial partners specific to this theme area discussed various issues relating to energy demand and the target of power generation based on renewable energy technologies. Dr. Girish Sahni, DG-CSIR, also participated in the seminar.

Addressing the seminar, Prof. Vijayamohanan K. Pillai, Director, CSIR-Central Electro Chemical Research Institute (CSIR-CECRI) said, “We have been active for many decades in not only developing technologies that produce clean energy but also for its effective usage.”Former scientist of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Dr. R. Sonde, emphasized on India’s contribution of renewable energy sector in the next decade.

An Indian Institute of Technology professor and fuel cell expert, Prof. S. Basu, spoke on fuel cells in a panel discussion. The day combined several engaging activities for school students and visitors. The CSIR Institute Genomics and Integrative Biology (CSIR-IGIB), organized quiz competitions, scientific presentation, engaging sessions of science-based activities and question answer round in the activity area.

As a part of ‘Platinum Jubilee Techno Fest’ of CSIR different themes-based activities are being organized each day at the India International Trade Fare (IITF) in New Delhi till 27th November as follows.

15 November     Aerospace & Strategic Sector             CSIR-NAL/CSIR-CGCRI

16 November     Engineering & Infrastructure              CSIR-CBRI

17 November     Mining, Minerals & Materials CSIR-NML

18 November     Chemicals & Petrochemicals               CSIR-NCL & CSIR-IIP

19 November     Energy                                                 CSIR-CECRI

20 November     Ecology & Environment                     CSIR-NEERI

21 November     Leather                                                CSIR-CLRI

22 November     Water                                                  CSIR-CSMCRI

23 November     Agriculture & Floriculture                  CSIR-CIMAP/CSIR-NBRI

24 November     Food & Nutrition                                CSIR-CFTRI

25 November     Healthcare & Generics                        CSIR-CDRI & CSIR-IICT

26 November     CSIR for Societal Interventions           Dr. E. Desa/Dr. Sudeep
