The Union Government has developed 20 Centres of Excellence in Nanotechnology in various States of country. In addition, 12 Units on Nano Science and 8 Centres of Nano technology were also funded earlier. The details of these Centres of Excellence, budgetary allocation made during last three years and in the current year, and also their areas of excellence institution-wise are given in the Annexure (attached below).

The Government has been supporting such Centres of Excellence in Indian institutions. A budget of about Rs. 100 crore is earmarked this year to provide research grants to a large number of institutes in the country, which also include the Institute of Nano Science and Technology- Mohali (INST-Mohali), Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences- Bengaluru (CeNS) for implementing research and technology development projects, thematic centres of excellence and organization of national and international conferences/workshops to give impetus to nano science and technology.

This was stated by Union Minister for Ministry of Science & Technology and Earth Sciences Dr. HarshVardhan, in a written reply to a Question in Lok Sabha today.