In appreciation of the R&D contributions of the performing universities, PURSE initiative is taken by Department of Science & Technology, Government of India to initiate value added proactive measures through introduction of R&D Incentive Grant.

Based on publication output in SCOPUS International Data base for a 10-years period having h-index ranging from 56-26 of the University, the PURSE Scheme was evolved in the year 2009-10 with the following support range.

Support Range

H –index


Support Amount for 3 years

More than 50


Rs 30.0 Crore



Rs 15.0 Crore



Rs 9.0 Crore



Rs 6.0 Crore


By now, three sets of study period (each of 10 years’ duration) have been carried out and fourth one is under way by the third party evaluation on University performance.

1.         1996-2006     -           Identified 14 Universities for support in FY 2009-10.

2.         1998-2008     -           Identified 30 more universities for support in FY 2011-12

3.         2000-2010     -           2nd Term Support to 14 Universities in FY 2014-15.

DST have planned to invest about Rs.890 cr. now.

Salient features of PURSE Program

  • The support provided to each university has been classified under ' Flexible ' and ' Fixed ' Components.
  • The expenditure heads in ' Flexible Components' are totally flexible with in 85% of total budget. The expenditure heads under Flexible Component includes support for acquiring Equipment, Consumables, Infrastructure Facilities and Networking & Computational Facilities.
  • The support areas in 'Fixed Components' covers expenditure heads like Manpower Cost (10%), Travel 1 %, and (Contingences, Seminar/Workshop to organize and Maintenance) – total 4 % and comprises 15 % of total support.
  • No budgetary quotation for any equipment and other items is required for releasing grants by DST under this program. University will only inform DST about the equipments with individual cost and other items as identified by them before acquiring and University would be responsible for all procurements.
  • 'Manpower' to be engaged under this program should be for research and technical support and engaged on contractual basis and should not be equated with permanent faculty position.
  • No support was made available for the building and civil construction related activities under PURSE initiative.
  • Decision of Utilization of grants across different Departments of the Universities to be taken solely by the University.
  • No Overhead amount is allowable under this Program


Under the PURSE Program, DST intends to provide support to performing universities across the country essentially for research man-power cost, augmentation of equipment and computational facilities, research consumables, organization of scientific conferences/workshops, travel and maintenance of the facilities. The support for each university will have the following components categorized under Flexible and Fixed Components as described above.

Flexible components 
(85% of total support)

Fixed components 
(15% of total support)

Hardware cost (Equipments, Research Facilities, Networking and Computational Facilities)

Manpower cost (10%)


                                             Travel ( 1 %)


Maintenance, Contingencies, Organizing or Attending Seminar/workshop including international (4%)


For details please click ( directions/PURSE Initiative)

For more information, please contact

Dr. A. Mukhopadhyay
Scientist - G
Department of Science & Technology
New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi-110 016
Tel: 011-26590445
Email: tsd[at]nic[dot]in