To boost the scientific relationship and forge better collaborations between the BRICS countries, the  4th S&T Ministerial meeting of the Ministers for Science & Technology of the BRICS member countries namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will be convened in Jaipur on October 8, 2016 at Hotel Rambagh Palace, Jaipur.

Prior to this ministerial meeting, the 6th BRICS Science, Technology & Innovation Senior Officials Meeting (BRICS-SOM) is scheduled on 7 October 2016. The meeting will come with final statement of a declaration to be made after the 4th BRICS Science, Technology and Innovation Ministers meeting.

In today’s meeting BRICS Funding Working Group, BRICS member countries and their respective funding partners participated and exchanged the ‘Arrangements of BRICS STI Framework Programme including “Implementation Plan” document amongst the eight funding agencies namely: National Council for Scietific & Technological Development (CNPq, Brazil); Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises (FASIE, Russia); Ministry of Education & Science (MON, Russia); Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR, Russia); Department of Science and Technology (DST, India); Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST, China); National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC, China) and National Research Foundation (NRF, South Africa) to support of Multilateral Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation (“the Initiative”) Funding.

The detailed report and recommendations of the recently organized 1st BRICS Young Scientist Conclave at Bengaluru was also presented to the member countries and a decision on its continuity every year was also conceived after detailed deliberations in which all the member countries lauded & complimented India for this initiative and hospitality. All the members countries agreed, in principle, to create BRICS Innovative IDEA prize for Young Scientists and agreed to work out detailed modalities for its early implementation.

Russian delegate made a presentation on the number of proposals received under the 1st BRICS “Call for Proposals”. The BRICS S&T Working Group discussed the modus operandi of processing these proposals quickly. The decision regarding the issue of 2nd BRICS “Call for Proposals” in May 2017 was also arrived at for further discussion in the BRICS SOM meeting tomorrow.

BRICS Young Scientist Forum
