India and Italy have strong bilateral ties in Science and Technology. Presently the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Italy are supporting 23 joint R&D projects involving some of the best scientific and academic institutions from both sides. Recently, two Indian experimental beam-lines for advanced materials research at the Synchrotron facility at ELETTRA in Trieste, Italy was inaugurated by Secretary DST.

Both countries launched an innovative joint Industrial R&D Program which will open a new chapter in bilateral S&T relationship by promoting technological innovation that have commercial potential. This programme will foster and support collaborative R&D projects which are led by industries from both sides aimed at joint development of innovative products or processes in areas covering Advanced Materials, Smart Manufacturing, Clean Water Technologies and Cultural Heritage Preservation. Secretary DST mentioned that the selected projects will have to address a specific market need or challenge and needs to demonstrate high industrial relevance with commercial potential.

First joint call for project proposals was launched on 24th June 2017 by Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary Department of Science & Technology and Mr. Lorenzo Angeloni, Ambassador of Italy in India. On behalf of DST, the Global Innovation and Technology Alliance (GITA) will be implementing this programme in India along with the Directorate General for Cultural and Economic Promotion and Innovation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the Italian side.