Submitted by Super_admin on Fri, 11/05/2021 - 20:26

This programme was launched as a follow-up of the budget announcement made by the Hon'ble Finance Minister of India in his Budget Speech in FY 2014-15. Accordingly, Technical Research Centres (TRCs) were established during FY 2015-16 in the following DST institutions:

  1. SreeChitraTirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), Trivandrum
  2. International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad
  3. Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bengaluru
  4. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata
  5. S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata.

SCTIMST, Trivandrum: TRC at SCTIMST has initiated activities in the following operational modules:

1.  Mission mode R&D in the areas of cardiovascular devices, neuro-prosthetic devices, hard tissue devices, in-vitro diagnostics, biological and combinational products.

2.  Medical Device Regulatory Compliance and Certification Facility (MDRCF): This facility would focus on providing service to the Indian Medical Device Industry for meeting regulatory requirements.  

3.  Industry-Institute Partnership Cell (IIPC):  SCTIMST is operating an IIPC for supporting the Indian Medical Device Industry in the areas of training, problem solving and consultancy. This entity will be further augmented and strengthened.

The web link for TRC at SCTIMST is…

ARCI, Hyderabad: TRC at ARCI has initiated applied R&D in following broad areas:

  1. Energy storage (batteries and super capacitors).
  2. Energy efficiency (motors, waste heat recovery, magnetic refrigerator, turbines and coatings).
  3. Energy conversion (fuel cells).
  4. Electric/hybrid vehicle systems (involving Li-ion batteries with battery management systems, electric motors etc.).
  5. Solar energy (concentrated solar-thermal power, photovoltaic).

The web link for TRC at ARCI is

JNCASR, Bengaluru: TRC at JNCASR has initiated applied R&D in following broad areas:

  1. Application of SERS for non-PCR based RNA/DNA detection of HIV.
  2. Development of diagnostic probe/agents for Alzheimer’s disease (in-cellulo studies).
  3. Materials and Devices for Waste heat to electrical energy conversion.
  4. Diagnostics for Candida species detection in clinical samples.
  5. Solution processed solar cell – development, performance-monitoring and prototypes.
  6. Renewable Energy.
  7. Organic phosphorescent materials.
  8. Organic porous materials for H2 storage and catalytic H2 generation and adsorptive based separations (separation of C8 isomers, and C2H2 from C2H4)

The web link for TRC at JNCASR is

IACS, Kolkata: TRC at IACS has initiated applied R&D in the following broad areas:

  1. Quantum materials for Applications.
  2. Materials for energy and environment.
  3. Polymers, Disordered, Soft and Nanobio Materials for devices, diagnostics and therapeutics.
  4. Molecules: Understanding, making and exploring commercial viability.

The web link for TRC at IACS is

S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Kolkata: TRC at S.N. Bose Centre has initiated applied R&D in the following broad areas:

  1. Healthcare - non-invasive diagnostics.
  2. Environment and mitigation of hazards in working environment.
  3. Mitigation of food adulteration and food security.
  4. Innovations for low-cost instrumentation.
  5. Metal and alloy industry.

The web link for TRC at S.N. Bose Centre is

TRC programme is supported by DST. The nodal officers in DST handling the TRC programme are:

Shri Gaurav Aggarwal


Department of Science & Technology
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi-110 016
Tel: 011-26590554
Email: gaurav[dot]dst[at]nic[dot]in