Standing Committee for promoting Women in Science[PDF]229.78 KB

Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions (GATI)

Women in India face several challenges in moving up the academic and administrative ladder due to systemic barriers and structural factors. Gender equality in scientific laboratories and institutions of higher education is not only about numbers but also about various micro and macro level factors operating at institutional level. There exist various policies and enabling environment in different institutions in India but a common approach or guiding principles to bridge the gender gap is still lacking. In science and technology sector it is difficult to assess and evaluate the merit of existing process/procedures from gender lens. This clearly demonstrates a need for multi stakeholder interventions. While gender equality in science is an important consideration, it is also in the larger interest of scientific progress and society.

Considering the need of gender advancement in STEMM area at institutional level, the GATI programis now launched by the Department of Science and Technology (DST). The GATI was one of the three initiatives of DST announced on 28 February 2020, the National Science Day, by the Hon’ble President of India at a celebratory programme dedicated to Women in Science held at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.

DST is inviting Expression of Interest to participate in the pilot of GATI. Universities, and other S&T Institutions are invited to participate in pilot of Gender Advancement for Transforming Institutions (GATI) launched by Government of India. GATI is a novel pilot programme envisioned in mission mode to promote gender equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM) domains.

GATI detailed advertisement.pdf[PDF]308.65 KB

GATI announcement.pdf[PDF]45.79 KB

EoI Application.pdf[PDF]614.08 KB

GATI Charter (Provisional).pdf[PDF]273.76 KB



Notification for Provisional Submission of Proposals in all the programmes under KIRAN (Knowledge Involvement in Research Advancement through Nurturing)[PDF]559.31 KB

All the programmes under KIRAN (Knowledge Involvement in Research Advancement through Nurturing) Scheme of DST are under review and may be  modified to some extent. Therefore, submission of new proposals under different programmes is allowed only provisionally w.e.f. 01.01.2019 till further notice. The proposals under consideration are also subject to the outcome of the review process.


Women Scientists Scheme

Women are an important section of the workforce, more particularly in the science & technology (S&T) domain. However, a large number of well-qualified women get left out of the S&T activities due to various circumstances which are usually typical to the gender. The challenges faced by them are several but most often the "break in career" arises out of motherhood and family responsibilities. To address such issues, Department of Science and Technology (DST) launched "Women Scientists Scheme (WOS)" during 2002-03. This initiative primarily aimed at providing opportunities to women scientists and technologists between the age group of 27-57 years who had a break in their career but desired to return to mainstream.

Through this endeavour of the Department, concerted efforts have been made to give women a strong foothold into the scientific profession, help them re-enter into the mainstream and provide a launch pad for further forays into the field of science and technology.

Category of Fellowships:

Under this scheme, women scientists are being encouraged to pursue research in frontier areas of science and engineering, on problems of societal relevance and to take up S&T-based internship followed by self-employment. Following three categories of fellowships, with research grants, are available for Indian citizen:

  1. Women Scientist Scheme-A(WOS-A): Research in Basic/Applied Science
  2. Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B): S&T interventions for Societal Benefit
  3. Women Scientist Scheme-C (WOS-C): Internship in Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) for the Self-Employment


The scheme is meant to encourage women in S&T domain, preferably those having a break in career and not having regular employment, to explore possibility of re-entry into the profession.


  1. Minimum Post Graduate degree, equivalent to M.Sc. in Basic or Applied Sciences or B.Tech. or MBBS or other equivalent professional qualifications
  2. M.Phil/M.Tech/M.Pharm/M.VSc or equivalent qualifications
  3. Ph.D. in Basic or Applied Sciences


The minimum age to apply in WOS-A & WOS-B is 27 years and maximum age is 57 years. Age relaxation of 5 years would be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC and physically challenged category. Attested copies of supporting documents in this regard must be enclosed.


This scheme will provide a research grant for a well-defined project proposal (under WOS-A and WOS-B) for a period of maximum three years. This grant will cover the fellowship of the applicant and cost of small equipments, contingencies, travel, consumables, etc. Institutional overhead charges will be extra.



Amount of Fellowship per month

Total Cost of the Project

Women Scientist Scheme (WOS-A)


Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B)*

Ph.D. in Basic or Applied Sciences/MD or equivalent degree

Rs.55,000/-+HRA* as applicable

Rs.30 lakh

(excluding HRA and Overhead)

M.Phil/M.Tech/M.Pharm/M.VSc or equivalent degree

Rs.40,000/-+HRA* as applicable

Rs.25 lakh

(excluding HRA and Overhead)

M.Sc in Basic or Applied Sciences/MBBS/B.Tech or equivalent degree

Rs.31,000/-+HRA* as applicable

Rs.20 lakh

(excluding HRA and Overhead)

Women Scientist Scheme-C (WOS-C)



Ph.D. in Basic or Applied Sciences/MD or equivalent degree



M.Phil/M.Tech/M.Pharm/M.VSc or equivalent degree



M.Sc in Basic or Applied Sciences/MBBS/B.Tech or equivalent degree



*HRA is as per GOI norms based on class of city.

Women Scientist Scheme-A (WOS-A):

Women Scientists Scheme-A (WOS-A) provides platform to women scientists and technologists for pursuing research in basic or applied sciences in frontier areas of science and engineering. The scheme plays pivotal role in gender mainstreaming as it not only prevents brain drain from S&T system but also train and retain women in the system. The scheme initially offers opportunity to work as bench-level scientists and ultimately open new avenues for permanent position in Science & Technology.

Scientific Disciplines:

The support available in 5 disciplines under WOS-A namely, i) Physical & Mathematical Sciences (PMS), ii) Chemical Sciences (CS), iii) Life Sciences (LS), iv) Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (EAS), and v) Engineering Technology (ET)

Last Date of Application:

The Scheme is open throughout the year. Therefore, there is no last date of application.

Procedure for Applying: Only online submission of Project Proposal is allowed in WOS-A

OM of Extension of Project Duration WOS A - B Dated 22 January 2021[PDF]473.63 KB

OM of Extension of Project Duration WOS A - B Dated 09-October 2020[PDF]336.78 KB

OM of Extension of Project Duration WOS A - B[PDF]0 bytes

For Online Submission of WOS-A Proposals- Click Here

Sanctioned Projects  - 2015-16[PDF]197.71 KB

Sanctioned Projects  - 2016-17[PDF]0 bytes

Sanctioned Projects  - 2017-18[PDF]0 bytes

Sanctioned Projects  - 2019-20[PDF]0 bytes

Sanctioned Projects  - 2020-21[PDF]0 bytes

Hands-on Training Workshop for Women Scientists On ‘Human Cell Culture Technology and its Applications in Cancer Research’[PDF]456.88 KB

Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B):

Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B) focuses on projects related to Science & Technology (S&T) interventions for societal benefit. Such project proposal should address a well-identified societal challenge and deliver possible solution(s) by way of development of viable technology/technique and/or lab-to-land technology transfer, its adaptation and scaling up. Women scientists who wish to apply under this scheme are required to develop their own project/proposals for scientific and technological solutions to address issues preferably at enhance quality-of-life the grassroots level. The proposal must clearly bring out the societal benefit to be accrued through well conceived plan for development of technology/technique and/or adaptation/ customization. The candidate should have adequate S&T skills and be adept at techniques to deliver the proposed outcome. Projects which have the potential for sustainable income generation, lead to appreciable reduction in drudgery and enhancement of quality-of-life besides capacity building of women at the grassroots level are encouraged.

Procedure for Applying:

Proposals are to be submitted online on WOS portal Those interested in submitting proposal have to register at this portal and submit the proposal onlinePlease read guidelines available on the portal carefully before submitting the proposal. Detailed guidelines are given below also. Send one hard copy of submitted proposal to Mrs. Namita Gupta, Scientist-‘G’, KIRAN Division, Department of Science and Technology (DST), Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi-110016. Superscribe envelope with ‘Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B)’. For further inquiries regarding WOS-B please send email to: wosb-dst[at]gov[dot]in  

Guidelines for Implementation of WOS-B Projects[PDF]0 bytes


Advertisement WOS-B  - Click here[PDF]0 bytes 

(Last date for submission of proposals under WOS-B further extended to 30th June 2020)


OM of Extension of Project Duration WOS A - B[PDF]0 bytes


Online Submission of Project Proposals - Click here

For queries send Email to: wosb-dst[at]gov[dot]in

Result of WOS-B 2018-19 (ETD) call,Result ETD WOS -B 2018-19[PDF]0 bytes

Result of WOS-B 2018-19 (HFN) call,Result HFN WOS -B 2018-19[PDF]0 bytes

Result of WOS-B 2018-19 (AAS) call,Result AAS WOS -B 2018-19 [PDF]68.44 KB

Sanctioned Projects  - 2016-17[PDF]133.2 KB

Sanctioned Projects  - 2019-20[PDF]0 bytes

Women Scientist Scheme-C (WOS-C):

Women Scientist Scheme-C (WOS-C) is being implemented by the Patent Facilitating Centre of Technology Information Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC). The scheme aims to train women having qualifications in science/engineering/medicine or allied areas in the field of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and their management for a period of one year in order to develop a pool of women scientists geared to creating, protecting and managing intellectual property in India. Hands-on training on different aspects of IPRs (e.g. patent search, know-how, drafting, filing, trademarks, trade secrets, copyright etc.) is major part of WOS-C  curriculum in association with various Knowledge Partners (i.e. Law firms, Knowledge Processing Organizations (KPOs), Companies, Government agencies, and so on).

Eligibility Criteria: (1) Women in permanent position are not eligible to apply (2) Age range: 27 years - 45 years (3) Minimum essential qualification: Master of Science; Bachelors in Engineering/Technology or equivalent. (4) Desirable qualification: Proficient in handling computerized database, collection, collation, analysis and report preparation.

Result of Online Examination conducted on September 18, 2021 for Women Scientist Scheme (WOS-C) KIRAN-IPR 12th batch Declared 

Shortlisted Candidates of WOS-C (WISE KIRAN-IPR) for appearing in the Exam to be held on September 18, 2021 [PDF]0 bytes 

Click here to go to WOS-C Portal for Previous Years Question Papers  

Booklet of 100 Success Stories of Women Scientists Scheme-C (WOS-C)[PDF]0 bytes [PDF]0 bytes

Consolidation of University Research for Innovation and Excellence in Women Universities (CURIE):

The Department of Science and Technology has started a special programme “Consolidation of University Research for Innovation and Excellence in Women Universities (CURIE)” in the year 2008-09 to support women universities for enhancing their R&D infrastructure. The main objective of the CURIE programme is to train and create world class women scientists in all areas of Basic Sciences & Technology who would be able to carry out cutting-edge research in their respective fields in due course. Department had supported following Nine Women Universities of the country under CURIE programme:

  • Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore
  • Banasthali Vidyapith, Banasthali
  • Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalyam, Tirupati
  • SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai
  • Mother Teresa Women’s University, Kodaikanal
  • Karnataka State Akkamahdevi Women’s University, Vijayapura
  • Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women, Delhi
  • Rama Devi Women’s University, Bhubaneswar
  • Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya, Sonipat


 CURIE-PG College Advertisement [PDF]0 bytes 


The Department is expanding CURIE support through a new component ‘Support for Women PG Colleges’ under existing CURIE programme with aim to encourage STEM education and research in Women’s Post Graduation Colleges of the country. This new component of CURIE will be more inclusive as it will provide quality education to large number of girls with nationwide coverage including small cities. 


(Addressing relocation issue of Women Scientists)

In the year 2014, Department has restructured all the women specific programmes under one umbrella known as “KIRAN” (Knowledge Involvement in Research Advancement through Nurturing). KIRAN is addressing various issues related with women scientists (e.g. unemployment, relocation etc.) and aimed to provide opportunities in research (WOS-A), technology development/demonstration (WOS-B), and self-employment (WOS-C) etc. KIRAN is also actively involved in taking proactive measures, under the name CURIE (Consolidation of University Research for Innovation and Excellence in Women Universities) to develop state-of-the-art infrastructure in women universities in order to attract, train and retain promising girls students in S&T domain.

In continuation of this, another landmark programme, named as, “Mobility Scheme” has been just launched under KIRAN which will address relocation issue of women scientists working in regular position in Government Organizations. The Mobility Scheme is aimed to provide an opportunity to women scientists who are facing difficulties in their present job due to relocation (marriage, transfer of husband to any other location within the country, attending ailing parents, and accompanying children studying in different city) and will act as filler while searching other career option at new place. The initiative intends to provide a harmonious environment during early phases of women scientists where they would like to stay active in research in addition to attending and fulfilling other responsibilities in the domestic front. It offers a contractual research award to women scientists and enables them for independent research.


Indo-U.S. Fellowship for Women in STEMM

To provide opportunities to Indian Women Scientists, Engineers & Technologists to undertake international collaborative research in premier institutions in U.S.A, to enhance their research capacities and capabilities, Department announces “Indo-U.S. Fellowship for Women in STEMM” (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine) jointly with Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF).

For Advertisement :

Call open for Indo-U.S. fellowship for Women in STEMM(WISTEMM):

For Online Submission of Applications:

Result - of 1st Indo-U.S. Fellowship for Women in STEMM (WISTEMM)[PDF]0 bytes

Result  of 2nd batch of Indo-U.S. Fellowship for Women in STEMM (WISTEMM)[PDF]0 bytes

Women Scientists Scheme (Revised Fellowship)[PDF]0 bytes

The three components of the scheme (WOS-A, WOS-B and WOS-C) are being implemented through the following wings of DST
Program Officers In KIRAN Division
Dr Nisha Mendiratta
Head & Adviser / Scientist 'G'
Department of Science and Technology,
Technology Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 016
Phone :011-2690497
Email: nisha67[at]nic[dot]in
ALL Programs
Dr. G. Harish Kumar
Scientist F,
Department of Science and Technology,
Technology Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 016
Phone :011-26590334
Email: harishkumar[at]nic[dot]in
Dr Vandana Singh
Scientist E,
Department of Science and Technology,
Technology Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 016
Phone :011-26590675
Email: vandana[dot]singh[at]nic[dot]in
WoS-A, Vigyan Jyoti
Dr. V. Girija Shankar
Scientist D,
Department of Science and Technology,
Technology Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 016
Phone :011-26590502
Email: vgirija[dot]shank[at]
Shri Pawan Kumar 
Scientist C,
Department of Science and Technology,
Technology Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 016
Phone :011-26590290
Email: pawan[dot]kumar[at]nic[dot]in
Dr. Chhama Awasthi
Scientist C,
Department of Science and Technology,
Technology Bhawan
New Delhi - 110 016
Phone :011-26590439
Email: chhama[dot]awasthi[at]